Flight Controller
The onboard computer that controls a drone’s flight dynamics and stability.
First-Person View (FPV)
A method of controlling a drone using a live video feed from its onboard camera.
Drone Surveying
The use of drones for collecting geospatial data, including aerial imagery, LiDAR scans, and photogrammetry.
Drone Components
The essential parts of a drone, including the flight controller, propulsion system, and gimbal. See also Flight Controller, Propulsion System, Gimbal.
Disaster Assessment
Aerial surveys conducted post-disaster to assess damage and locate survivors.
Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
A 3D representation of a terrain’s surface created from elevation data.
Data Stitching
Combining multiple images or datasets to create a comprehensive view of the surveyed area.
Data Processing
The analysis and interpretation of data collected by drones, including 3D modeling, mapping, and volumetric calculations.
Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS)
Operating a drone beyond the pilot’s direct visual contact, requiring special permissions and equipment.
Autonomous Flight Paths
Pre-programmed flight routes that allow drones to cover large areas efficiently during search missions.